Who Is Stephen?

Stephen (They|Them) is a learning scientist, game developer, instructional designer, worldbuilder, writer, and illustrator.

They hold a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Connecticut and have worked on numerous game and instructional design projects with organizations including Arizona State University’s Center for Games & Impact, Intel Corporation, Pfizer, the University of Connecticut, UConn Health, and Greenhouse Studios. Additionally, they co-own and manage the independent educational game studio The Pericles Group, LLC.

Stephen earned a Bachelors of Science in Molecular & Cellular Biology and Masters in Curriculum & Instruction in 2007 and 2008, respectively. Prior to returning to graduate school for their doctorate in 2010, they taught a combination of biology, genetics, and human health at a public high school while serving as the district’s educational technology specialist.

Beyond teaching courses like Interactive Storytelling, Accessibility Design, Serious Games, Learning Theory, and Educational Technology, Stephen has co-authored two books, 20+ academic articles (including the well-cited [2012] game-based learning meta-analysis Our Princess is in Another Castle: A Review of Trends in Serious Gaming for Education), and 80+ scholarly keynotes, panels, and presentations. They reside near Hartford, Connecticut and spend their free time studying philosophy, history, and science as well as gaming, cosplaying, building with LEGOs, and raising a fine young Bengal cat named Mia.


“Steve’s work is superior. Their performance in my courses and as my colleague places them in the top 1% of students I have worked with in my 30+ years of teaching.”

— Michael F. Young, Prof. of Learning Sciences | Educational Technology